Relax, Release and Relate
If you are feeling stressed, take a brief
mindfulness pause by selecting the below
You Tube Video on Mindful Breathing.
You are worth it.
Stress Reduction Activities
From: the School Health Programs Department, 2014
Take your pulse before and after = )
I. Belly Breathing: Don't Rush
- Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart
- Arms and hands hanging relaxed downward
- Body relaxed
- Eyes Closed
- Focus on lower abdomen (your belly) and imagine a small ballon in that space
- Breath in slowly through your nose, imagining the balloon slowly getting bigger, hold your breath for a count of 6 (a few seconds)
- Slowly exhale through your mouth (count of 6- a few seconds), imagining the balloon gently getting smaller; blow out of your mouth as if blowing out a candle.
- TIP: place your hand over your belly to feel it go in and out
- Repeat at least 6 times
II. Deep Muscle Relaxation: Don't Rush
- Sit or lay down in a comfortable place
- Raise your eyebrows. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Make a frown. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Close your eyes as tightly as you can. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Open your eyes and your mouth as wide as you can. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Stretch your arms out in front of you. Close your fist tightly. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Stretch your arms out to the side. Pretend your are pushing against and invisible wall with your hands. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Bend your elbows and make a muscle in your upper arm. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Lift your shoulders. Try to make your shoulders touch your ears. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Arch your back away from your chair or off the floor. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Round your back. Try to push it against the back of your chair or against thte floor. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Tighten your stomach muscles. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Tighten your hip and butt muscles. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Tighten your thigh muscles. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Bend your ankles toward your body as far as you can. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Curl your toes under as far as you can. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Tighten all of the muscles in your body. Hold for a count of 5 and relax.
- Sit quietly for 5 minutes and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
III. Simple Mediation: Don't Rush
Warm Up:
1. Begin by sitting comfortably, balanced and relaxed.
2. Breath easily and from the belly 3 times
3. Rotate your head easily and slow first to the left and then to the right 3 times in each direction.
4. Look up; tilt your headway back.
5. Look down; put your chin on your chest.
6. Look straight ahead.
7. Drop your arms and hands to your side and shake them gently and easily 3 times.
8. Raise your feet off of the floor and shake them gently and easily 3 times.
9. Raise your feet off of the floor and shake them gently and easily 3 times.
10. Straighten your spine.
Silent Meditation:
1. Close your eyes.
2. Once your eyes are closed relax your mind.
3. Do not make any effort to think about anything.
4. Breath slowly and gently.
5.Slowly your mind will clear and relax.
6. When you are ready open your eyes.
IV. Visual Imagery: Don't Rush
Warm Up:
1. Begin by sitting comfortably, balanced and relaxed.
2. Breath easily and from the belly 3 times.
3. Rotate your head easily and slow first to the left and then to the right 3 times in each direction.
4. Look up; tilt your headway back.
5. Look down; put your chin on your chest.
6. Look straight ahead.
7. Drop your arms and hands to your side and shake them gently and easily 3 times.
8. Raise your feet off of the floor and shake them gently and easily 3 times.
9. Raise your feet off of the floor and shake them gently and easily 3 times.
10. Straighten your spine.
Visual Imagery: anyone can lead you through this exercise. Use a calm, low and slow voice. Pause and give enough time between each visual suggestion to ease into the vision and see each step.
Note: You can create your own visual scenario. The below is an example.
1. Close your eyes.
2. See in your mind's eye a beautiful beach.
3. The sun is warm, the breeze is coming from the ocean and warm palm trees are overhead; seagulls circle in the air above.
4. Imagine walking barefoot on the warm sand, feel your feet sink into the sand with each step.
5. Walk towards the waters edge and let the waves wash over your feet.
6. Jump into the water; it is warm, gentle and very refreshing.
7. After a while come out of the water and walk to your big fluffy beach towel, lay down and relax.
8. Rest for a while in all the peace and beauty that surrounds your.
9. Imagine how it looks.
10. Imagine how it feels.
11. Imagine how it sounds.
12. Imagine how it smells.
13. Breath in deeply the warm salty ocean air, stay as long as you like.
14. When you are ready to leave, go to the water's edge and throw in anything that has been bothering you. Anything that you wish to be rid of in your life. Anything you are feeling sad or angry about, anything you worry about.
15. Picture it as a big rock.
16. Throw it into the ocean as far as you can.
17. Watch it sink deep into the ocean and get taken away by the waves and current.
18. When you have thrown your rock away, be thankful for the release of the burden, problem or the worry.
19. Peacefully walk back to your beach towel, through the warm sand and rest.
V. Co-Listening With Someone You Trust: Don't Rush
This is a two part activity that allows you to relieve stress by
1. Talking about thoughts and feeling in the moment, while being intentionally listen to
2. Talk about opportunities and solutions related to the topic at hand to help move beyond current feelings of stress and/or tension.
The activity involves a silent listener and a speaker. Set the stage bye establishing rules for safe sharing. In other words, be respectful of all feelings, ideas and opinions, no teasing, and remember shared information is confidential.
Part One:
Person A talks while Person B simply listens without judgement.
Person A shares thoughts, feelings and opinions about how they are feeling at the that moment or about nay worries or concerns.
Part Two:
Person B asks Person A about opportunities and solutions related to the current concern. Discuss pros and cons of solutions. Person A can make a decision or think about it.