Before you know it it will be time for high school graduation! Amazing as it sounds the best time to think about the future is in middle school.
I. At SCS all students set up a College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC)
With their account they can:
1. Take interest and ability surveys, 2. Explore different types of careers, 3. Update grades and post extracurricular activities in their portfolios, 4. Plan for high school and college 5. Learn about college test prep 6. Anything you need to get ready for your future 7. To set up and account click ---> College Foundation
II. Family Conversations
1. What I wish I had done differently in middle and high school 2. My Job: love it /hate it and why 3. What are my goals in life and how will I get there? 4. What habits do you need to be successful at school and work? 5. How are good habits formed? 6. What do you need to get go to community college, a 4 year college or university and graduate school? 7. What is the link between education and career opportunity?
III. ToDo 1. Tour or Walk around any of the great college and university campuses in the area. Ask what the admissions requirements are. Ask about scholarships, loans and finances. 2. When going to a store, restaurant, doctors/dentist appointment, talk about the different types of you that might be available and ask the person about their job. 3. Write a letter to The Future Me. You will get an email sent to you at a time in the future. 4. Pick any career with your child: look up how much a person earns. Then look at the type of house, car, how much utilities cost, how much you can spend on food, cloth and entertainment etc. Look at the amount of education needed. Is this the lifestyle you want???